NATURE IS AN ARTIST — by Jennifer Lavallee and Natalia Colombo
NATURE IS AN ARTIST — by Jennifer Lavallee and Natalia Colombo NATURE IS AN ARTIST — by Jennifer Lavallee and Natalia Colombo NATURE IS AN ARTIST — by Jennifer Lavallee and Natalia Colombo

Text: Jennifer Lavallee
Illustrations: Natalia Colombo
Editor: Greystone Kids

English language

ISBN 9781771646499
23.5 x 27.94 cm
36 pages — Hardcover

Nature is an Artist explores different art forms that kids can find in the natural world. In the book, a group of children follow Nature-the most inspiring of teachers-as they discover the world's greatest art show hidden in plain sight. As they witness beautiful landscapes, stunning vistas, and unusual creatures, each child is inspired to recreate their own fine work of art.