LE FACTEUR DE L'ESPACE — by Guillaume Perreault
LE FACTEUR DE L'ESPACE — by Guillaume Perreault LE FACTEUR DE L'ESPACE — by Guillaume Perreault LE FACTEUR DE L'ESPACE — by Guillaume Perreault

Text & illustrations: Guillaume Perreault
Editor: La Pastèque

ISBN 978-2-923841-89-2
Published in March 2016
Format: Softback
Size:  19,1 x 25,4 cm
Pages: 146 pages
8 years old and up

Bob likes his little routine and loves his job: for him, the post is very important! On board his ship, he distributes letters and parcels to a bunch of people all over the galaxy. At least, the part of the galaxy he knows. However, this morning, there is a glitch at the post office.

French language