PAUL À LA MAISON — by Michel Rabagliati
PAUL À LA MAISON — by Michel Rabagliati PAUL À LA MAISON — by Michel Rabagliati PAUL À LA MAISON — by Michel Rabagliati

Text & illustrations: Michel Rabagliati
Editor: La Pastèque

ISBN 978-2-89777-072-3
Published in November 2019
Format: Softback
Size:  19,1 x 20,3 cm
Pages: 208 pages

Paul à la maison is the 9th volume in the series. This time around, the action takes place in 2012, Paul is a full-time comic book author and is launching a new book at the Montreal Book Fair. In the meantime, his daughter goes to work in England, Lucie no longer lives with him and her mother is not well ...

Paul à la maison deals with mourning in many forms. A moving book.

French language