LE VOLEUR DE SANDWICHS — by André Marois & Patrick Doyon
LE VOLEUR DE SANDWICHS — by André Marois & Patrick Doyon LE VOLEUR DE SANDWICHS — by André Marois & Patrick Doyon LE VOLEUR DE SANDWICHS — by André Marois & Patrick Doyon

Text & illustrations: Patrick Doyon & André Marois
Editor: La Pastèque

ISBN 978-2-923841-26-7
Published in November 2014
Format: Softback
Size:  17,1 x 22,2 cm
Pages: 168 pages

Marin had his favorite Monday ham and cheddar and lettuce sandwich stolen! Who could have done such a cruel thing? Tuesday is the day of his second favorite sandwich: the tuna sandwich his mother makes with her famous mayonnaise and sun-dried tomatoes. To avoid starving, Marin decides to set a trap for the thief...


French language