PETER LE CHAT DEBOUT (CARDBOARD EDITION) — by Nadine Robert & Jean Jullien
PETER LE CHAT DEBOUT (CARDBOARD EDITION) — by Nadine Robert & Jean Jullien PETER LE CHAT DEBOUT (CARDBOARD EDITION) — by Nadine Robert & Jean Jullien PETER LE CHAT DEBOUT (CARDBOARD EDITION) — by Nadine Robert & Jean Jullien

Text: Nadine Robert
Illustrations: Jean Jullien
Editor: Comme des Géants

ISBN 9782924332948
22,7 x 17 cm
36 cardboard pages — Hardcover
2+ years

French language

One morning, Phil finds a box on his doorstep. He is intrigued and rips it open. A black and white cat pops out and stands up on its hind legs. Phil is surprised, but no matter: he has always wanted a cat ! Both clumsy and talented, his new friend has plenty of surprises in store for him: Peter the standing cat is no ordinary cat…