VOGUE LA VALISE l'intégrale
VOGUE LA VALISE l'intégrale VOGUE LA VALISE l'intégrale VOGUE LA VALISE l'intégrale

Text & illustrations: Siris
Editor: La Pastèque

ISBN : 978-2-89777-018-1
Published in November 2017
Format: Softback
Size:  17,8 x 25,4 cm
Pages: 352 pages

A touching testimony about an alcoholic father who drags his family and especially La Poule, Siris' autobiographical alter ego, into his misfortune, Vogue la valise brings to light a heartbreaking family saga. 

With his feet firmly planted in reality and his eye soaring high, Siris casts an acid and autobiographical poetic eye on his childhood. The author's first true graphic novel, it took him more than ten years to create, through his style and his narrative creativity, a very moving story.

French language